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At Standard Atlantic Bank, we look for qualified individuals with different degrees of experience and instructive foundation, from graduates to experienced experts, to go along with us on our corporate excursion. You ought to have it.

  • Training – A Bachelor's Degree or better
  • Abilities – numeracy, bent, critical thinking, language, and so forth.
  • Information – money related, business thankfulness, master in a particular zone
  • Skills – obtained in significant specialized zones where related knowledge is fundamental to compelling conveyance
  • Legal and national administrative prerequisites – Completion of mandatory National Service
  • Disposition – Can do, arrangement creation, collaboration, maintaining the Brand, Volunteerism
  • We urge you to apply if you share our qualities, have an enthusiasm for banking, have exhibited solid scholastic execution and expert drive and meet the standards as expressed previously.

    What's more you should;
  • Have the stuff to grow a Bullion Credit vocation
  • Have a can do mentality
  • Be focused on accomplishing steady outcome
  • Continually improve
  • Create yourself