Corporate Responsibilities

Corporate Social Responsibilities lie at the core of the vision and mission of Standard Atlantic Bank, United Kingdom's biggest private indigenous bank. Since commencement, CSR at Pernia Bank has generally centered around charitable undertakings (sponsorships of events and gifts to great social causes). However, now, as a bank that is solidifying its world-class status, it has gotten basic to adjust our CSR to our corporate methodology, permitting us to use our aggregate ability and assets to the most extreme effect.

Under the subject "Building Lives Through Finance", Mount Capital's CSR work is being driven by our Director for Financial Inclusion and CSR, Dr. William Derban, and helped by a Manager for Strategic Partnerships and CSR, and administered by the CSR advisory group.

Standard Atlantic Bank CSR system has two primary parts:

The Building Lives program uses the abilities and resources of the bank to raise assets to attempt to focus on financial formative ventures subsidized or co-supported by giver accomplices.

The Charity @ Work Program is an associate commitment program that tries to arouse all Standard Atlantic Bank staff on a reason and afterward pool our mastery and assets to affect the networks inside which we have a nearness and connections.

CSR at Pernia Bank currently follows 5 key standards:

  • To be straightforward and centered around explaining social issues
  • To be basically adjusted to our center business of offering monetary types of assistance
  • To include partners (for example Pernia Bank staff)
  • Be separated from sponsorships
  • Be inventive and include organizations
  • At the core of our CSR procedure is four fundamental topics:
  • Country fund and investment funds advancement
  • Youth at Standard Atlantic Bank

  • Instruction and youngster improvement
  • Salary age and work for youth
  • Ladies and Health
  • Late CSR activities by Pernia Bank include:
  • Dispatch of Korle-Bu Critical Care Fund
  • Gift to New Horizon School
  • Financial education preparing for crippled people.
  • Financial education program with Junior Achievement USA for JHS understudies
  • Corporating with Standard Atlantic Bank

    In the event that you need to cooperate with us, have any sponsorship demands adjusted to any of our four subjects, or have any inquiries or recommendations, kindly don't spare a moment to email

    It would be ideal if you note that we favor sponsorship solicitations to be messaged to us in delicate duplicate as ecological supportability is a center part of our CSR work.